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Mark Blenner

Thomas & Kipp Gutshall Career Development 

Associate Professor, University of Delaware

Graduate Program Director

GAANN Inclusive Teaching in ChE Director

NIH & AHA Postdoc Fellow, Harvard Medical School

PhD Chemical Engineering, Columbia Univeristy
BS Chemical Engineering, Manhattan College

Dr. Blenner's interest is generating systems level data and synthetic biology tools to speed the design, build, test cycle for yeast, mammalian cells, and microbial communities. His group is interested in solving problems in complex environments, such as biomanufacturing, and wild environments outside the lab.


He views the most important part of his job as helping students develop as independent creative critical thinkers. Graduate students and typically create their projects under Dr. Blenner's guidance. 


Dr. Blenner has won numerous awards including the PECASE, the 2022 AIChE Division 15 Early Career Award, and the 2021 ACS BIOT Young Investigator Award

Members: Image

Graduate Students & Postdocs


Ayushi Agrawal

PhD Student

Engineering Yeast for

Natural Products


BS Chem. Eng., SRM

MS Chem. Eng., Rutgers


Patrick Beardslee

PhD Student

GAANN Fellow

Gene Therapy Manufacturing & Synthetic Biology​


BS Chem. Eng., Ohio State 

Samuel Fine

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PhD Student; CBI Fellow

(w/ Cathy Fromen)

Macrophage Engineering

& Synthetic Biology


BS Chem. Eng., Georgia Tech

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Phil Gitman

PhD Student

DE Space Grant Graduate Fellow; GAANN Fellow

Engineering Synthetic Methylotrophy


BS Chem. Eng., UConn


Spencer Grissom

PhD Student


Epigenetic Tools for Biopharmaceuticals

BS Chem. Eng., Maryland

Palakar Mentor Award (2022)

TA Award (2023)

Amgen Intern (2023-24)


Postdoctoral Fellow

Richa Guleria, PhD

Engineering Yeast for Space Biomanufacturing


BS Biochemistry, Garhwal University

PhD Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru 


PhD Student; GAANN Fellow

(w/ Kevin Solomon)

Alex Hansen

Microbiome of Plastic Degradation​


BS Chem. Eng., UA Huntsville

Rachel Keown, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

Phage Engineering 

Metabolic Engineering of Yeast


PhD Bioinformatics, UD

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Ross Klauer

PhD Student (w/ Kevin Solomon)

CBI Fellow; DENIN Fellow

Microbiome of Plastic Degradation


BS Chem. Eng., Rose Hullman

Palakar Mentoring Award (2023)

Qiagen Young Scientist Award (2022)

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PhD Student

(w/ Wilfred Chen)

Derron Ma

Dynamic Regulation of Metabolism


BS Biosys. Eng., UC Davis

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PhD Student


Wren Mallikarjunan

Metabolic Engineering for

Plastics Upcycling​


BS Chem. Eng., Georgia Tech.

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Nathan Miller

PhD Student


Microbial Community Engineering for Plastic Biodegradation​


BS Chem. Eng., Arizona State


Austin Morgan

Microbiology PhD Student

Autonomous Stable Gene Circuits​


BS BIochem, Truman State

Pitch 90 Winner (2023)


Phil O'Dell

PhD Student

Yeast Metabolic Engineering of Plant Natural Products


BS Biochem, Miami University

MS Chem. Eng., Miami University


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Postdoctoral Fellow


Jenna Ott

Microbial Community Engineering for Plastic Biodegradation​


BS Chem Eng., UC Santa Barbara

PhD Chem. Eng., Princeton University



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PhD Student

CBI Fellow

Topher Pirner

Mammalian Synthetic Biology



BS Chem. Eng., Rose Hulman

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Postdoctoral Fellow

Prem Pritam

Metabolomics and Metabolic Engineering


BTech Biotechnology, RAU Pusa

PhD Chem. Eng., IIT Bombay


Rachel Silvestri

PhD Student

Yeast Engineering for

Protein Secretion


BS Chem. Eng., Manhattan College


Engineering Yeast for Oleochemicals


BS Biochemistry, Bundelkhand U.

PhD Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru 

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Anthony Stohr

PhD Student (w/ Wilfred Chen)

NDSEG Fellow

RNA-based Metabolic Biosensors​


BS Chem. Eng., Northeastern

Frasier Russel Teaching Fellow 


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Zach Dixon

Class of 2025

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Aiden Gensure

Class of 2025


Shirly Gottlieb

Class of 2026


Helena Hansen

Class of 2026


Julia Jeskey

Class of 2026


Susan Kuhn

Class of 2026


Caleb Lawson

Class of 2025

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Sam McDonald

Class of 2026


Hamza Alam

Class of 2027


Class of 2025 (Biology)

Marissa Brown


Class of 2027

Eleanor Cook


Lauren DeSantis

Class of 2026


Agni Miraji-Khot

Class of 2027


Liv Quick

Class of 2026

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Rena So

Class of 2025

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Megan Tarr

Class of 2025 (BME)

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Hanna White

Class of 2025

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Mekhi Williams

Class of 2025

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Kayla Wolf

Class of 2025


Neta Zilbershot

Class of 2026

Lab Alumni


Zhiliang Yang

Postdoctoral Fellow


Engineering Yeast for Natural Product Biosynthesis

Currently seeking a faculty position.


Weigao Wang

Graduate Student

Enzyme & Secretion Engineering â€‹

Currently a Postdoc at Stanford



Allison Yaguchi

PhD Student

Aromatic metabolism in oleaginous yeast​

Currently a Postdoc at NREL


Charles Wang

MS Student

Mammalian Artificial Chromosome

Currently at Unknown


Difeng Gao

Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-18)

Yarrowia Metabolic Engineering

Currently at Biomedican, Inc.


Murri Shabbir Hussain

PhD Student

Genetic Tools for Yarrowia

Currently at Abbott Biosciences


Gabriel Rodriguez

Postdoctoral Fellow

Yarrowia Metabolic Engineering 

Currently at Ginkgo Biosciences


A. Nolan Wilson

PhD Student

Metabolic Modeling

Currently at NREL


Max Hilbert

PhD Student

Enzyme Immobilization

Currently at Unknown


Molly Wintenberg

PhD Student

Microbial Radiation Biosensors

Currently NRC Fellow at NIST


Mike Spagnuolo

PhD Student

Engineering Yeast for Biopolymers

Currently Postdoc in the Blenner Lab


Dyllan Rives

PhD Student

ER Stress in CHO Cells

Currently Seeking a Position

Engineering Macronutrients from Plastic


BS Biophysics, Michigan

PhD Biophysics, Michigan


Jason Karslake, PhD

Plastic Waste Upcycling

Currently at Molecular Templates




Jyoti Singh, PhD



Microbiome Engineering & Plastic Biodegradation

Currently at Unilever 


VIjay Ganesan

PhD Student


Genetic Tools for Pathway Balancing

Currently at Sandia National Lab




Michael Spagnuolo

Oleochemical Metabolic Engineering

Currently at US Army DEVCOM

Chris Nauman, PhD




Engineering Macronutrientrs from Plastic

Sceintist, Siemans Healthcare

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Jaya Singh, PhD

Engineering Yeast for Oleochemicals

Postdoc in Eric Young Lab

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Patrick Beardslee, PhD

Engineering Yeast for Oleochemicals

Scientist, Mosaic Biosciences

Additional Lab Alumni

Delaware Students: Brian Sipko, Max Friedman, Dheeraj Pedada, Benjamin McClaine, Thanya Shemi, Zach Stevenson, Chiku Bhatt, Nick Brennan, Jack Seiffert, Khiem Le, Ian Kang, Suzi Zien, Jack Werb, Grace Shoemaker (UF), Bala Saravanan, Caroline Zu (Purdue), Gabriel Ma, Mugilan Nambi (High School), Brady Johnson, Kritee Sangroula, Joseph Castenda (CCNY), Grace Shoemaker (UF)Rainer Hlibok, Allie Platchek, Samanthan Burger, Audrey Cicerchia, Luis Garcia Osorio, Toni Akin Adenikan, Lydia Kowalski.

Clemson Students: Hayden Tharpe, Meredith Bailey, Taylor Cook, Erika Arvay, Lauren Gambill, Adam Beitz, Sarah Smith, Tatum Sass, Amy Rees, Julia Martone, Sierra Gurtler, Ahmad Alquza, Tara Richbourg, Scott Anglin, Dubby Wiseman, Sam Williams, Rachel Ham, Valarie Peters, Vaishnavi Kanduri, Mariana Holladay, Simon Ciprari, Jude de Konig, Will Burnette, Patrick Dayton, Chlo Forenzo, Cooper Tillman, Joel Watkins, David Kindervater, Matt Brabender, Brice Martin, Lane Norris, Tae Watts, Anna Delahunt, Sarah Dorsey, Sara Edgecomb, Samantha Hutter, Luke Mabry, Kaitlyn O'Neill, Melissa Nolan, Gabby Mochizuki, Caroline Peak, Mitchell Angove, Lexie Adams (Miami), Nicky Franaszek, Zach Williamson, Sean Miller, Morgan Usher, Mia Maciorowski, Cheyanne Brady, Camillo Susecum, Braxton Baird, Grant Smith, Peyton Hudson, Jennifer Cabezas, Sarah Smith, Jillian Laird, Danielle Acker, Elizabeth Huntley, Jenna Schoefield (MSU), Jack Tabb, Erin Mihealsick, Alana Robinson, Phillip Baker, Kaitlyn Scola, Robert Barrett, Vineeth Sama, Tanner Karp, Kylie Burkes, Caroline Moody (NCSU), Emma Ressler, Michael Xie (Ohio), Shanna Pearce, Will Hardy, Mary Kate Rumph, Tiffany Yu, Jeremy Fowler, Sarah Knowles, Parker Hume, Julia Borglin, Jessica Zielinski, Kyle Pazzo, Hayden Campbell, Justin James, Jacob Livingston, Jeanette Rodriguez, Meg Wilkes, Andrew Dippre, Joseph Whitaker, Charlie Kessler, Kyle Reed, Katie Stahel, Megan Stahlberger, Mohit Gahndi, Patricia Jokl, Joseph Redzikowski, James Foster, Thomas Pavelka, Lauren Reed, Thomas Stanton, Joy Jones, Dennish Parekh, Syed Bukhari, Yancy Appling, David Carey

Members: List
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